Patient Rights And Responsibilities

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Patient Rights And Responsibilities

01. Patient Rights

The Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights describes the rights of patients and other people using the Australian health system. These rights are essential to make sure that, wherever and whenever care is provided, it is of high quality and is safe.

Patient rights include the right to make decisions regarding medical care, the right to accept or refuse treatment, and the right to formulate advance directives (written instructions, such as a living will or durable power of attorney for health care as recognized under Australian law.

02. Patient responsibilities

Good health care is best achieved in partnership between you and the health professionals providing your care. To help us provide you with better care, it is important that you:

Update staff with any changes to medicare cards, concession details, address, phone number.

Tell staff if you require more information or if there is anything you do not understand or are worried about.

Follow your health care plan or let your health care professional know if you are unwilling or unable to do so.

Information you should tell health care staff:

Your medical history and that of your family. This includes any problems, complications or bad reactions you have previously experienced.

Any treatment or any medication you are (or should be) taking including any complementary, natural or alternative medicine.

Any change in your condition, including any problems you may have with any medication or treatment you are receiving.

Any special needs you have, including those of cultural or religious importance or as a result of disability.

Please be considerate of staff and other patients:

Acts of violence, swearing, threats or verbal abuse towards another patient, relative or staff member will not be tolerated.

Keep your appointments. If you are unable to keep an appointment advise the surgery as soon as possible to allow the appointment to be rescheduled.

Be aware of the needs of other patients and their privacy.

Do not bring alcohol, illegal substances or weapons to the practice.

Kurralta Park Surgery grounds are smoke-free zones